I was listening to one of John Cage's tracks that uses a "prepared piano". The notes were rich with reverb, and so I wanted to somehow depict that generation of wave as it started from the notes and propagated outwards. Some notes were hit hard, others were not, some were muted, some were not. The notes all had a tempo to it, as well. I tried to depict that through typography and shapes.
I was inspired by Carrie's nice use of paths, and also Julina's nice use of shapes that contain letters!
I think it's looking really neat! I can see the reverb... it reminds me of when a rock falls into water and it sends those rings of mini waves out. Also I can see the difference in the notes - nice mix of shapes and sounds.
I had a bit of a hard time seeing the link between "lectures and writings by" and then "john cage" down below the title... I wonder if there's a way to make those read into each other more?
Also, have you tried tightening up the word silence?... might make a nice bit of contrast with the rest of the "wider" words.
Overall I think it looks really cool - it definitely caught my eye when I first looked at the blog.
that comment below is from me :)
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