Alright, so I'm posting some action shots of the process.
I had first thought of defining "information", then "architecture", but it didn't seem wholly necessary for the purpose, so I nixed the first bit. It also helps me keep this around a minute long, too.
I got stuck trying to come up with a simple example for information design (a complex one would be picking something like designing a subway map, then saying the principles behind subway map translates to any sort of densely populated network of objects, but that was a bit too deep for this purpose)
So I brainstormed a bit by randomly spewing thoughts that came to my mind on post-it notes on the wall, and doing quick affinity diagramming to find what the hell it is that my brain is trying to look for.
It turned out that a "todo list" could be a simple enough example. So I went on with the storyboarding.
I'm not looking in extreme detail, but you mentioned having troubles keeping your movie under a minute... may I suggest thinking about using the movie as more of an advertisement of sorts for the website and third media maybe?
No need to explain everything in a video. That'd take forever.
Maybe that'll help you focus. Good luck!
Well, it kind of is an advertisement. It doesn't have the detailed explanation of anything. It just makes a bunch of sweeping generalizations that's enough to provoke people into visiting the Website. I still need to tighten it up a bit, though... I'll bother you in class to get some more feedback. :)
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