Wednesday, November 28, 2007

typography in motion

Typography in Motion
A bunch of great examples, in case any of you are planning on working on your movies.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Getting a message across

I thought this was worth a gander

a powerful message it is.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Worth checking it out! It turns bitmap images into
vector graphics so you can stretch stretch stretch! :)

Robotic Calligrapher

Check out this robot programmed to pen the entire Martin Luther Bible on one long sheet of paper.

Full story at
Ministry of Type.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

[Slim] Project 3 Storyboarding process

Man, I'm lagging behind on this one pretty bad. This past week was rather horrid. I've gots to make up!!! :)

Alright, so I'm posting some action shots of the process.

I had first thought of defining "information", then "architecture", but it didn't seem wholly necessary for the purpose, so I nixed the first bit. It also helps me keep this around a minute long, too.


I got stuck trying to come up with a simple example for information design (a complex one would be picking something like designing a subway map, then saying the principles behind subway map translates to any sort of densely populated network of objects, but that was a bit too deep for this purpose)

So I brainstormed a bit by randomly spewing thoughts that came to my mind on post-it notes on the wall, and doing quick affinity diagramming to find what the hell it is that my brain is trying to look for.



It turned out that a "todo list" could be a simple enough example. So I went on with the storyboarding.




Thursday, November 1, 2007

Adobe text effect presets


In case you want to preview what all the text effect presets in After Effects are. There are lots (and lots and lots).